
Who I Am

A queer biracial person who enjoys creating art, practicing yoga, climbing rocks, and hanging out with dogs!


Completed ADHD & Life Coach Training with ADDCA (ADD Coach Academy).

ADHD Coach Jessica Gilbert queer neurodivergent

Why I Get It

My mission is to help you get things done… because I know what it’s like to feel overwhelmed by the chaos of life.

Until learning about ADHD brains, life was extra hard. I functioned on the fuel of last-minute urgency, which meant that I was chronically stressed and struggled progressing towards long-term goals. It was all I knew. I tried different strategies that seemed to work for others, but they were usually more frustrating than helpful. I was tired, and I knew I had to find a better way to manage life with ADHD.

What Makes a Difference

Through training and lived experience, I’ve found a few factors that help make people make shifts in their lives! These include:

  • building a toolbox of practical + individualized ADHD strategies 

  • understanding our behaviors + their drivers

  • noticing shame + returning to curiosity

Working Together

We help you take control of your life by addressing topics like task management, sources of stress, and your relationship with your brain + yourself. We address your obstacles, fine-tuning strategies based on the information provided by your experiences. What does and doesn’t work for each individual can be so different, so your unique experience is key. Together, we tap into what actually works for you!